Hi Mom! You know I enjoy writing sonnets as my expressive outlet. So here’s the new series I created . . . . Angel Series
Sonnet 0 – My Love, My Heart, My Mom 1.21.55 – 11.1.20 (Angel Series)
To my dear Mom,
I miss you every day.
You were my heart and charm,
Since the day I was born in May.
My life was filled with joy and love,
Sadness, heartbreak and pain.
I know you’ll comfort me from above,
For now you’re in His Domain.
It was one of your final wishes,
That I will live my life filled with happiness.
The love you gave me are all the riches,
That my heart needs now to feel calmness.
I will always be the one,
For I am always your son.
Sonnet 23 – Mother – Dedicated to Mariana (Angel Series)
We haven’t met but we share a common bond,
Strong for Her we must stay.
Your love for Her is the same even in the beyond,
She can hear you past the Gateway.
No matter where She is,
She will look down on you with pride.
Her life is full of bliss,
And She will always be there for you to confide.
Her life was filled with happiness,
Family and love.
Remember to not show sadness,
When you see a dove.
We grow stronger after Her pregnancy,
For we are Her legacy.
Sonnet 24 – That Common Bond – Dedicated to Theresa (Angel Series)
Bonds are sacred,
But this isn’t the one that we ever want to share.
For we are neighbored,
In tragedy, heartache and care.
Our love for Her goes beyond spoken words,
Our legacy for Her is what we will make.
Words we typed on Discord,
Will be our keepsake.
Days will be hard,
But we must stay strong for Her.
We will push onward,
For she will always be Mother.
Time will pass and we will be in tranquility,
For this is our new reality.
Sonnet 25 – Snowflake (Angel Series)
You’re one of the billions of snowflakes in the sky,
But I know which one is you when you drift down.
For you’re the snowflake that forms when I cry,
When emotions overwhelm and kept me drowned.
Try I may to be happy and glee,
During this quiet holiday season.
But I’m here; just a lonely me,
And that is not the only reason.
I miss you more and more each day,
Time has passed with stress and sadness.
I wish you were here to stay,
For I’m turning into madness.
When the snow melts and the sun shines,
Can you let me know and show me a sign?
Sonnet 26 – Whispers (Angel Series)
In this dark room that I stay,
Missing the one that I always love.
Alone with my thoughts I try to pray,
Hoping these words will reach you up above.
I have much to tell,
In these coming years.
My heart is trying to yell,
But it comes out in tears.
Sadness is here day and night,
As long as I live.
Why must this angel take flight,
For she has more life to give.
I wish I had a choice,
To raise my silent voice.
Sonnet 27 – 2021 (Angel Series)
The year is new but the pain is not,
And I miss her now more than ever.
My heart is here but it’s starting to rot,
Putting on a smile for the world seems clever.
Time will tell but I don’t think it will,
To hide these emotions is not a regret.
Control these feelings isn’t my skill,
My silent screams will be my only outlet.
Emotional mental physical pains,
Taking over all of me.
Hiding my tears when it rains,
For what I want is She.
Last year wasn’t good and this year will be hard,
For losing Mom has left me permanently scarred.
Sonnet 28 – Candle 1.21.21 (Angel Series)
That spark of light,
Signals the creation of life.
It’s quite bright,
For your love was rife.
I light that candle every year,
To celebrate your love and happiness.
But this time is so very different dear,
For we will experience tranquilness.
This candle is not the one I desire,
It is the one that you deserve.
For I will light a big bonfire,
To keep all your love preserved.
That light on the day of your birth,
Also symbolizes the day you left earth.
Sonnet 29 – Nita( ) – Dedicated to Shanella (Angel Series)
#include <Shanella>
cin >> family_and_love;
Your daughter is your Cinderella
cout << “I love you from above”;
Learn we did in comp sci,
And friends we became during undergrad.
Mom will look down from the sky,
With pride and love, so don’t be sad.
Keep your vows,
And lay some flowers.
For She is with Him now,
And they will hear your prayers.
Her life and legacy are muy bonita,
So compile and run Nita( );